flash memory

[flæʃ ˈmeməri]
  • 释义
  • 闪电内存,闪存;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Supports different size of memory and Samsung advanced 1 G, 2 G, and 4 G bit flash memory . 2.

    2支持不同大小的闪存和三星先进的第一代, 第二代, 和4G位元快闪记忆体.

  • 2、

    Preferably experienced in the sales of Flash Memory IC, ARM, MCU etc.

    有销售存储器, 单片机及ARM等集成电路的工作经验.

  • 3、

    The memory chip selected large capacity Flash memory to realize mass memory of the voice data.

    存储芯片选用了大容量FLASH闪 速存储器,可以实现语音数据的海量存储.

  • 4、

    Flash memory write error. Reset the power switch.

    闪烁记忆写入错误, 关闭电源再重开.

  • 5、

    It emphasizes the designs of flash memory management program and needle selection data collecting program.


  • 6、

    The answer is flash memory.


  • 7、

    It was used JTAG interface to download the program to the FLASH memory of C 8051 F 020.

    并把程序用JTAG接口下载 到C8051F020的FLASH存储器中.

  • 8、

    The company unveiled a more advanced flash memory chip able to store a whopping 64 gigabytes.


  • 9、

    Flash memory is common in systems that require nonvolatile data storage at very low cost.


  • 10、

    There is also some diversity among FLASH memory products with respect to the programming method.


  • 11、

    All the controlling program can be downloaded to 4 K byte flash memory in single chip computer.

    AT89C51单片机内含128字节RAM和 4K字节快闪存储器(FlashMemory),因此,全部控制程序可装入单片机.

  • 12、

    Flash memory is used for downloaded logos, additional fonts, and other graphic elements.

    闪存可供存储下载的标志 、 字体和其它几何图形.

  • 13、

    Command data for controlling the flash memory device is input to the controller 218.


  • 14、

    The invention improves the reading and writing speed of flash memory greatly.


  • 15、

    This system uses a type of high - capacity flash memory 29 F 040 as a data - storage.


  • 16、

    The company will comprise the flash memory units of Intel and STMicro.


  • 17、

    The command data informs the flash memory of what operation is requested.

